Now Coming this Fall to Louisville - the highly anticipated Bluegrass VegFest! The festival will be July 9, 2022 from 11am-6pm.
"Bluegrass VegFest promotes healthy, cruelty-free, and plant-based living - showcasing Kentucky's multitude of vegan-friendly businesses as well as national vegan brands. The event attracts thousands of attendees who are passionate about food, the environment, animals and socially/eco conscious companies. You don't want to miss it!"
We are seeking volunteers to help us with the Wild Earth booth at the event. We will need volunteer to participate in the following 3-hour shifts:
10am-1pm: Setup + early shift
1-4pm: Mid-day shift
4-7pm: Late day shift + closing up
Please contact to RSVP for a volunteer shift. Please include your name, phone number, and what shift you'd would like to volunteer for.
"Enjoy incredible plant-based eats, renowned speakers, live entertainment, product samples, and learn about all the ways veganism benefits animals, people, and the planet." Learn more abut the festival here. Hope to see you at our booth!